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[/mk_title_box][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1664663153084{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]The professional marketing person has responsibilities to their employer, customers – both ultimate and intermediate – their colleagues and the public. The Institute requires its members, as a condition of membership, to recognize these responsibilities in their business conduct and adhere to the following Code of Ethics. All members shall be answerable to the Board of Directors of The Institute for any conduct which, in the opinion of the Board of the Directors, is in breach of this Code, and the Council may take disciplinary action against any member found to be in breach thereof.


Role of the Individual Member

All members must assist The Institute in implementing this Code, and The Institute will support any member.

Misuse of the Code

Unfair, reckless or malicious use of this Code by members or others to damage the reputation and/or professional practice of a member and/or their organization shall be deemed a breach of this Code.

Procedures for Handling Complaints

The Board of Directors of The Institute may nominate, at its discretion, a person or persons whose task will be to decide if there is a prima facie case to answer. If such a case exists, the Council shall initiate the necessary procedure for its investigation.

Sanctions for Breach of this Code

If the Council of The Institute, having duly and properly examined an alleged breach of this Code by a member, finds that member in breach of the Code, it shall be empowered to take such disciplinary action as is allowed by the bylaws of The Institute. If the Board of Directors decides to expel a member from The Institute, it shall act in strict accordance with the provisions of the bylaws. The results of any disciplinary action will be communicated to The Canadian Institute of Marketing for their separate review.



Members shall at all times conduct themselves as persons of integrity and shall observe the principles of the Code in such a way that their reputation, that of The Institute and that of marketing shall be enhanced.

Injury to Other Members

Members shall not knowingly, recklessly or maliciously injure another member’s professional reputation or practice.


Members shall at all times act honestly and in such a manner that customers – both ultimate and intermediate – are not caused to be misled. Nor shall they in the course of their professional activities, knowingly or recklessly disseminate false or misleading information. They are also responsible for ensuring that their subordinates conform to these requirements.

Professional Competence

It is expected that, in the exercise of a member’s profession as a marketing executive, members shall seek at all times to ensure that they attain and retain the appropriate levels of competence necessary for the efficient conduct of such tasks as are entrusted to them by their employers. They shall seek to ensure that all who work with them or for them have the appropriate levels of competence to discharge the marketing tasks entrusted to them effectively. Where any shortcomings might exist, they will seek to ensure that they are made good as speedily as possible.

Conflict of Interest

Members shall use their utmost endeavour to ensure that the Code’s provisions and their customers’ interests are adequately and fairly reported to their Company in any circumstances where a conflict of interest may arise.

Members holding an influential personal interest in any business which competes with their employer shall disclose that interest to their employer.

Members having an influential personal interest in purchasing or selling goods or services between their own company and another organization shall give their Company prior information as to that interest.

Confidentiality of Information

Members shall not disclose or permit the disclosure to any other person, firm or company any confidential information concerning a customer’s business without the customer’s written consent except where required by statute.

Members shall not disclose or permit the disclosure to any person, firm or company or use to their advantage any confidential information concerning their employer’s business without the written consent of their employer except where required by statute.

Securing and Developing Business

Members shall not seek to obtain business in a manner which, in the opinion of the Board of Directors of The Institute, is unprofessional. In determining whether or not any behaviour is unprofessional, the council will be guided, among other things, by this Code and by any professional Code of Ethics at the same time the behaviour occurs.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row fullwidth=”true” css=”.vc_custom_1544932020581{background-color: #7f7f7f !important;}”][vc_column][mk_padding_divider size=”30″][mk_button dimension=”two” corner_style=”rounded” size=”x-large” url=”” target=”_blank” nofollow=”true” align=”center” bg_color=”#1e73be”]CIMMO Privacy Policy[/mk_button][mk_padding_divider size=”30″][/vc_column][/vc_row]