Global Marketing

Because of technological advances, increasing international trade, growing global income levels, and convergence of consumer tastes, companies worldwide must examine their business strategies and tactics from a global perspective. Powered by Harvard Business Education materials, this module introduces a broad range of fundamental concepts and strategies that will enable an understanding of these dynamic changes in the global marketing environment. A Supplemental Reading offers insight into global marketing in the service industry.

This module also contains two videos on global marketing topics: “Balancing Tensions between Local and Global Marketing Demands” and “Creating a Novel Product for a Specific Foreign Market.” 

Learning Objectives

By the end of this module, you can:

  1. Help students determine whether or not an organization is ready to “go global.”
  2. Explore the market assessment and development of an organization planning a global marking program.
  3. Understand the tasks involved in managing global marketing programs.
Delivery Methods



Certificate of Compeltion

Number of Credits



The module will be available for 120 days.

Business-To-Business Marketing

This “Business-to-Business Marketing” module provides a comprehensive review of the fundamental concepts and theories related to aspects of business-to-business (B2B) marketing. B2B marketing refers to exchanges of goods and services between institutions rather than to individuals or end consumers. Powered by Harvard Business Education Materials, this module features new examples from cases following B2B companies as they launch new products, refine their product offerings, and redefine target markets, expanding the coverage to topics such as personas and OBCs, the impact of the internet on B2B sales structure and marketing deliverables, and communication strategies specific to B2B marketing.

Compared to business-to-consumer (B2C) marketers, B2B marketers face distinct challenges rooted in the nature and needs of customers’ buying criteria, purchasing processes, and strategic considerations. This module also discusses five core elements of B2B marketing: 1. Links between business-to-business marketing and business strategy. 2. The impact of market and account selection. 3. The complexity of buyer behaviour. 4. The need to understand and communicate buyer benefits. 5. The importance of organizational alignment.

The module includes an Interactive Illustration, “The Benefit Stack and the Decision-Maker Stack,” which analyzes the motivations (often competing) of the many decision-makers involved in a B2B purchase.

Learning Objectives
By the end of this module, you can:
  1. Explain why in many B2B firms, the strategic choices may be inseparable from marketing choices.
  2. Describe the goal of B2B market selection as matching the value delivered by a firm’s core capabilities with the benefits sought by end users.
  3. Describe how B2 multiple individuals make B buying decisions with different perspectives, motivations, and structural/procedural constraints.
  4. Explain how in B2B markets, benefits-real and perceived-determine value and price.
  5. Convey the importance of synchronizing product, sales, and service units as co-creators of customer value.
Delivery Method



Certificate of Compeltion

Number of Credits



The module will be available for 120 days.

Consumer Behavior and the Buying Process

Powered by Harvard Business Education material, the “Consumer Behavior and the Buying Process” module describes and analyzes four frameworks for understanding how consumers make decisions: cognitive versus emotional, high-involvement versus low-involvement, optimizing versus “satisficing,” and compensatory versus non-compensatory decision-making. This Core Curriculum module presents the activities that occur during the 3 phases in the consumer buying process: pre-purchase, purchase, and post-purchase. It also analyzes consumer decision-making units, including roles played within such units, such as buyer, influencer, gatekeeper, and approver. The module includes an in-depth example of how a pharmaceutical company analyzed decision-making processes and decision-making units to develop marketing campaigns for a new product. It also explores three developments that profoundly affect consumers’ decision-making processes: social media, co-creation and customer involvement, and “conscience” marketing. This module also aims at preparing marketers to design effective advertising and marketing campaigns for products and services.

The Reading also includes links to 3 videos: “United Breaks Guitars,” “Use Social Media to Listen to Customers,” and “Harnessing Creativity.”

Learning Objectives

By the end of this module, you can:

  1. Describe and analyze four frameworks for understanding how consumers make decisions.
  2. Explain the activities in which consumers engage during the 3 phases of the buying process: pre-purchase, purchase, and post-purchase.
  3. Identify a decision-making unit and describe several roles often played within decision-making units.
  4. Analyze a case study to identify how the featured organization used insights about the consumer decision-making process and decision-making units to design a marketing campaign for a new product.
  5. Examine how social media, co-creation and customer involvement, and “conscience” marketing are reshaping consumers’ decision-making process and decision-making units, and analyze these developments’ implications for marketers.
Delivery Method



Certificate of Compeltion

Number of Credits



The module will be available for 120 days.

Customer Management

Powered by Harvard Business Publishing materials, this module on customer management sheds light on how companies should evaluate and manage their customers to grow profitably. Customer management allows marketing managers to inform investment decisions by drilling down into each customer’s profitability or customer lifetime value (CLV). Historically, marketing managers have focused on providing value to customers while mainly ignoring the value they could get from customers. Realizing that customer lifetime value is a more critical metric than simply increasing sales or market share, many companies are beginning to understand how the viability of their businesses is tightly linked to acquiring, retaining, and developing the right customers.

The module includes three Interactive Illustrations: Margin Multiple, Customer Lifetime Value Calculator, and Expected Customer Lifetime.

Learning Objectives
  1. Understand the two sides of customer value.
  2. Define and calculate customer lifetime value.
  3. Understand the need to combine qualitative and strategic considerations concerning customer value with more quantitative measures associated with CLV.
  4. Learn about methods to acquire, retain, and develop the right customers.
  5. Apply CLV to estimate the value of all of a firm’s customers-a value known as “customer equity.”
Delivery Method



Certificate of Compeltion

Number of Credits



The module will be available for 120 days.

Customer Centricity

This module is organized into three main sections covering different topics and using many examples from diverse industries to illustrate successes. In addition, a Supplemental Reading examines the dynamic between customer centricity and innovation and provides a contrarian view of the topic. Due to technological advances, companies are giving customers a stronger voice in both the Business-to-Business (B2B) and Business-to-Consumer (B2C) sectors, as the world is experiencing a fundamental shift in marketing.  Customer Centricity is synonymous with a proactive business strategy where companies are shifting from a previous focus on product to Customer centricity. Powered by Harvard Business Education material, this course focuses on the three main vectors: 

  1. knowledge management system (understanding the customer);
  2. development of strategic competence as a learning organization (building a customer-centric culture), and
  3. foundation for corporate strategy development and execution (serving the customer). 

This module also contains two videos on customer centricity: one asserts that humility and curiosity are the only way to gain a deep understanding of a marketplace and its customers, and one on how Trader Joe’s focuses on maximizing the customer experience.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this module, you can:

  1. Explain the overall value of creating a truly customer-centric organization
  2. Describe how organizations have benefited from assessing customer needs and values, measuring customer satisfaction and gathering feedback
  3. Explore how new and established organizations can build customer-centric cultures
  4. Show how companies can benefit from developing a value proposition and competitive positioning based on customer needs.
Delivery Method



Certificate of Compeltion

Number of Credits



The module will be available for 120 days.

Creating Customer Value

Powered by Harvard Business Education content, this module aims to help marketers understand customers’ perspectives on what they value and why through an updated discussion of social and experiential value, an expanded discussion of the role of employee loyalty in customer value, and an updated multi-attribute model. Delighting customers is one of the most pursued goals of all businesses. It begins by understanding their needs and providing products and services to meet them. For this reason, it is critical to understand what customers value and how organizations can offer products and services by creating different types of value delivery.  The module describes four types of customer value: economic, functional, experiential/psychological, and social and contains links to two Interactive Illustrations as examples of ways customers evaluate and derive value from products: “Multi-Attribute Model for Laptop Preference” and “Economic Value to the Customer.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this module, you can:

  1. Consumers can derive four kinds of value from a product or service.
  2. Learn about how consumers can derive economic value from a product or service.
  3. Learn about how consumers can derive functional value from a product or service.
  4. Learn how consumers can derive experiential and psychological value from a product or service.
  5. Learn about how consumers can derive social value from a product or service.
Delivery Method



Certificate of Compeltion

Number of Credits



The module will be available for 120 days.

Marketing Intelligence

Powered by Harvard Business Publishing materials, this course provides the basic knowledge a marketer needs to choose the right research methods and the best way to present research findings to stakeholders, reflecting on how market research is conducted, including the impact of technology on research methods and how organizations are building marketing programs that go beyond the collection of data points to achieve more significant business insights. Examples highlighting various secondary and primary research methods and techniques have been incorporated throughout the reading.  Furthermore, this course illustrates how effective decision-making hinges on marketing intelligence, a deep and informed understanding of the relations with the customer, the marketing environment, and the company’s offerings. As per instructional materials, this course contains links to Interactive Illustrations: three on interpreting conjoint analysis results, one on perceptual mapping, and one on A/B testing. The course also links three videos covering topics including market research at P&G, field research, and survey design.

Learning Objectives

by the end of this course you can:

  1. Review the best ways to capitalize on techniques most effectively gather marketing intelligence.
  2. Understand a typical five-step market research process.
  3. Learn the best research methods used to gather various types of primary and secondary data.
  4. Understand the strengths and weaknesses of all market research techniques and when best to employ them.
Delivery method



Certificate of Compeltion

Number of Credits



The module will be available for 120 days.

Framework for Marketing Strategy Formation

This course is part of the 13 modules of CIMMO’s Marketing Certification program core curriculum courses covering fundamental concepts, theories, and frameworks in marketing. This continuing education module builds on exploring key concepts in creating a customer-focused marketing strategy, from setting an initial strategy to implementation. This course uses a case study to form the basis for discussing the 5Cs. Additional content around a basic framework for thinking through the key decisions in the marketing process and learning best-practice approaches and models is woven throughout the reading. This course aims at introducing the framework for marketing strategy: how a business creates and retains a customer and the growing importance of making customers active ambassadors for its brands. The course provides a good understanding of the 5Cs analysis for developing a marketing strategy (customer, company, collaborators, competitors, and context). It then discusses two sets of decisions every organization needs to make: the Aspiration Decision (what the company hopes to achieve in the market) and the Action Plan Decision (or “marketing mix” of the 4Ps-product, promotion, placement, and price). Finally, it considers the different actions required for customer acquisition vs. customer retention.

Learning Objectives
  1. To illustrate how various familiar marketing elements, like segmentation, targeting, positioning, the 5Cs, and the 4Ps, function and complement each other in a successful marketing strategy.
  2. To exhibit the sequence of marketing activities and decisions that form a marketing strategy.
  3. To show how the strategies that best promote customer acquisition may not be those that are best suited for customer retention.
Delivery Method



Certificate of Compeltion

Number of Credits



The module will be available for 120 days.